It's 5:03am right now....why am I up???? Oh wait, is it because of these HORRENDOUS contractions I'm having? Why yes! Ahh, I'm going nuts. Everyone says that after your first baby your labors tend to be shorter. However, for me that does not seem to be the case. Some people thought it was hard to go 10 days late with Luke (me included sometimes) just to be induced. But now I'm seeing the bright side to that whole induction episode. I was induced at 8:30am, they broke my water at 9:30am, I screamed epidural shortly thereafter, and got that blessed relief around 12:15pm. I was still at 2 cm at that time. Luckily the epidural relaxed me enough and I got to 10cm by 3:15pm. After 25 min of pushing Lukas came into the world. I never really felt painful contractions for too long. But going from no pain to the worst pain I've ever felt in a matter of minutes was excrutiating no matter how short it was.
This labor: I started having painful contractions yesterday (Friday) morning. They would go on for every 2 minutes for about half an hour and then they would gradually get longer in between just to die out a few hours later. This happened on and off yesterday. Then last night I started bleeding quite a bit that I thought my water had broken at first. I quickly went to the hospital where they monitored me for a couple hours just to send me home with the reassurance that the baby was doing fine and the bleeding was normal (especially since it stopped, mostly). They checked me again last night (after a whole day of PAIN I swear) and I was still only at 1cm and 50% effaced! Now I've been having worse contractions since 11pm last night. At first they were 20 min apart and then 10 and now 7-10 min apart. What on earth is taking so long?! haha. I know I shouldn't be so impatient but man, this is my second baby for goodness sakes, can't I get a little relief sometime soon?! ;) I guess I'm just a wimp but I just thought it would be shorter than the 7 hour induction, not longer! Knowing my luck though these contractions STILL aren't doing a thing to dialate me even though it feels like I'm being stabbed by a knife every time. Ok, ok, I'll stop complaining now. ;) I feel better now that I've vented. Thanks for listening to my sob story. Hopefully I'll be able to report a birth sometime in the near future! haha. Oh and a side note. I was going to try it all natural.....but now I'm screaming epidural again and I don't feel bad about it one bit!!! ;)
Spring is Almost Here
4 hours ago
It sounds like my labor with Zoe. Good luck....she'll be here soon! You have to post lots of pictures!
Aww, Im so excited for you guys and hope to be in your situation soon! You are so lucky Nicole and you have to tell me how life is with two babies, how Lukas adjusts, etc! At least you are feeling contractions on your own now and they arent pitocin induced! She'll be here soon! I would try to be patient and go eat some ice cream or something!
You are NO wimp!! I would never even think about going natural- and here you just did it!! And put up with contractions for days!! Wow.
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