Another thing Matt got me for my birthday was 2 cases of shotgun shells, hand gun shells, and 2 HUGE cases of clay pigeons. Why? you may ask. Well, my dear sweet husband remembered how much I really enjoyed going shotgun shooting a few years back. He knew my birthday was coming up and so he asked his friend who owned a shotgun and hand gun if we could go out with him and his wife if we provided the ammo. Thankfully he said sure and so we had a blast! I LOVE how thoughtful my hubby is! Unfortunately, I kept bragging to Matty beforehand that I am a really good shot and rarely miss the clay pigeons (which I swear I was the last time I went) and so not to feel bad when I beat him. Well, look who got majorly humbled at her own birthday shooting party! Yea, I stunk it up on the shotgun and Matt did amazing well! I guess I did redeem myself when I did really well on the hand gun. Woohoo me! ;) Here are a few pics of us.
Snow Day #2
8 hours ago
You're a shooter, huh? I would have never guessed. I have never even touched a gun, but I hear going shooting is a lot of fun.
Saw the pics on Picassa....definitely "24" style! HOT!
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