So this past week has really been super busy for me. Rent was due on Wednesday and so on Thursday I had to enter all the checks into the computer, drop it off at the office by noon, feed Lukas, go to class, feed Lukas, and then go to another class. It felt like I was running full speed all day! It was nice to have kind of a slow day on Friday . Although, it didn't last long because on Saturday I had to put on a breakfast for all my tenants (37 single girls, 4 single guys, and 8 families). It was snowing really hard outside and since my boss wasn't able to find a canopy thing for us to use I had to quickly clean up my house so we could try to have it in here. Luckily, it wasn't too crowded in here seeing as only 4 single girls and 4 families showed up. But then I had tons of food left over so Matt suggested I take it to the single girls complex since I had to do cleaning checks right after the breakfast anyways.
So right after the breakfast was done at 11am, I ran over to the single girls complex to do cleaning checks. I carried a bin full of bagels and muffins to each apartment and each girl was so thrilled and thankful so that was kind of nice. Thankfully, cleaning checks only took me 1 hour instead of 2 which was a good thing since Lukas was due for a feeding when I got done. After that I dropped Matt off at school to do some homework and then went Christmas shopping with my good friend Shayna. When we began our shopping trip it hadn't been snowing for a couple of hours. When we finished our shopping trip however, it had been snowing for only 1/2 an hour and yet there was already 4 inches of snow on the ground. When we were driving home the guy in front of us was driving a small pick-up truck. Every time he would press on the gas to go the bed of his truck would slide to the right almost hitting the car to the side of him. It was pretty insane. It snowed hard for the rest of the night leaving almost eight inches of snow by the time it stopped.
After our shopping excursion I was able to rest for maybe 2 hours before I had to head off to our ward Christmas party. My brother Brad needed a babysitter for his two kids that night and couldn't find anyone because everyone was going to their ward Christmas party. So I volunteered to take my 4 1/2 year old nephew and 2 year old niece to the Christmas party with us. It was fun having to take care of 3 kids! We had a blast at the chocolate fountain that was there! I think the highlight of the night though was actually losing the kids 3 times! haha it was funny when I got out of the elevator and turned back to see my niece and nephew still in the elevator while the doors were closing!!! AHHH!!! Could you imagine my terror to see them take off alone in the elevator while I was standing outside?!?! Luckily, they only went down one floor and then back and everything was fine and dandy! ;) We finished off the night by playing video games in the bowling alley at BYU.
The next morning (Sunday) is normally nice and relaxing but not this week. I had to prepare my talk for the Primary Program we were putting on in our Ward the same day. Ha leave it to me to prepare last minute! But that's not all... half way through preparing my talk I realized that I had to give the Sharing Time lesson in primary the same day as well!!! Well, as you can tell I barely got everything done by the time church started. After church you would think I could catch my breath, but no, I had invited my brother's and their families over for dinner at 5pm and with church getting out at 4pm I didn't have much time to prepare. By the time they all had left it was almost 9pm and I was exhausted from the past few days!
Most of the time my life isn't too busy so I guess it was kind of nice to have it jam packed with so much stuff. But since Lukas has been having a hard time sleeping the past week it was just kind of tough. He is so good during the day but this past week he was waking up every few hours screaming. Needless to say I didn't sleep very much. My hat goes off to all mothers everywhere who have my past week's schedule every week!!! I don't know how you do it but you are AMAZING! Here is a video that makes me smile and gives me the much needed strength to continue with hectic weeks such as these. I hope it does the same for you!
Spring is Almost Here
4 hours ago